One drawing a day throughout the month of October, this is the challenge I took up by participating in Inktober 2018. This international drawing challenge, launched by Jake Parker in 2009, is open to all Sunday and professional illustrators.
For my part, I participated in it in order to improve my inking, that is to say, to clean up my sketch by working on lines and values which is often done with a pen or felt-tip pen. This is a delicate step that can quickly make a drawing soft or unattractive if it is not mastered. I followed a list of imposed subjects with a sustained rhythm of one drawing per day throughout the month of October. It was not always easy to find inspiration for each subject, some spoke to me more than others. Then, we had to find a way to represent them that didn't take too much of my time and that it was possible to complete in a day.
We don't always succeed the first time, it forces us either to start the drawing again or to let go of the final rendering. After all, it is only an exercise and the important thing is also to have fun! I used a small notebook to avoid going on too ambitious projects and above all to always have it with me. It allowed me to draw anywhere and be able to use my time in the best possible way. If I could, I tried to get a head start on the following days by preparing my sketches or looking for some ideas. Imposing this routine and these constraints on myself really allowed me to go further in my study of black-and-white drawing. In case of difficulties, I did not hesitate to draw inspiration from other artists' drawings to inspire me.
Of the 30 drawings, about ten of them have, in my opinion, been really successful. I then decided to put them in color and print a series of A5 cards that I present to you today. I hope you will enjoy these illustrations as much as I do, and if you would like to participate too, do not hesitate to consult their site: https://inktober.com/
Si vous recherchez un illustrateur pour votre projet, n'hésitez pas à parcourir mon portfolio. Mon expérience de l'Inktober m'a permis de travailler sur mes compétences en encrage, mais aussi d'explorer de nouveaux sujets et de développer mon style. Si vous souhaitez travailler avec moi, n'hésitez pas à me contacter pour discuter de votre projet.