A month ago, I had the great opportunity to collaborate with Baptiste @baptisteetlevin, a dynamic and motivated entrepreneur who is starting his business!
Its field? Enology, he offers various services to companies and individuals who wish to train and learn more about wine. As a wine lover, you now understand why I was so enthusiastic about this partnership. 😉
His request? The creation of a logo and a graphic charter to be able to start its communication on the networks! He wants a unique visual in his image!
After a telephone interview, we brought out his desires and the values of his company that he wanted to convey. I then made a first illustrated logo and a few touch-ups later, we had this final version that I present to you !🔥
This collaboration was a real pleasure that I hope to repeat! So if you too are starting your business and need a personalized and original logo, don't hesitate to contact me! I would be happy to meet your expectations as closely as possible for a unique creation!
